P&C stands for ‘Parents & Citizens’ Association.  We are a not-for-profit organisation made up of parent volunteers who organise and run a range of services and provide extra resources for families and the school. The P&C is where parents and carers can get involved to help their children have the best experience possible by making our school a better place. The Department of Education funding can only provide so much, so if we want more for our children, additional funds are needed and this is where the P&C can help. Through fundraising and social activities, the P&C raises funds each year to support programs for the maintenance, improvements, facilities and equipment for the school and promote the positive learning and social environment as well as welfare of the students at the school.

The P&C work closely with the school executives and staff to the benefit of all students and their families. At Chatswood Public School, our P&C is open to all parents and citizens of the school community. Everyone is welcome to attend meetings, hear about what is going on at the school and have a voice.

What does the P&C do?

The Chatswood Public School Parents & Citizens Association is a body corporate under the Parents and Citizens’ Incorporation Act 1976.  Our P&C is governed by our Constitution (which is prescribed by the Minister for Education) and by an additional set of by-laws that have been adopted by the Chatswood Public School P&C.

The P&C has two primary purposes: We bring parents, citizens, students and staff into close co-operation for the benefit of students and school community, and we assist providing facilities and equipment to the school.

How can you get involved?

There are lots of ways you can get involved in the P&C Association. You can:

  • Attend monthly meetings
  • Volunteer at the fundraising events
  • Volunteer in the sub-committee groups
  • Get involved in an executive or sub-committee position

How do we raise money?

The P&C raise funds through 4 main avenues:

  • Voluntary Contributions – Voluntary Contributions are collected by the P&C each year from our generous parents, via the school invoice. This money supplements NSW Government funding and helps the school purchase valuable resources for both inside the classroom and externally.
  • P&C Events
  • The School Uniform Shop
  • The School Healthy Canteen

P&C Meetings

P&C Meetings are held twice per term on the 4th Tuesday of the Month, 7:30pm. It’s a “hybrid” format, where you can attend in person (near the new school library) or by registering to attend via Zoom.

Anyone is welcome to attend and there is no pressure to speak – just come along and find out what is happening at the school.

Anyone can add an item to the agenda for the meetings – please contact the secretary at secretary@chatswoodpublicpandc.org.au if there is something you would like added to the agenda. A copy of the agenda is provided in the newsletter the week preceding the meeting. 

Minutes of previous meetings are available on the school website here: https://chatswood-p.schools.nsw.gov.au/supporting-our-students/parents–carers-and-the-community/parents-and-citizens/parents-and-citizens-meeting-minutes.html

There are no upcoming events.

Who leads the P&C?

Each year at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held in November, P&C Executives and Leadership Committee members are elected – volunteer parents who are willing to take leadership positions in the P&C. 

The latest contact list of P&C Executives and office bearers can be found at:

For more information about the P&C please contact our secretary – secretary@chatswoodpublicpandc.org.au

How do you join the P&C?

Any parent or citizen of the school can join the P&C online ($1.50) here:

Our Constitution and Rules

The Chatswood Public School Parents & Citizens Association is a body corporate under the Parents and Citizens’ Incorporation Act 1976.  Our P&C is governed by our Constitution (which is prescribed by the Minister for Education) and by an additional set of by-laws that have been adopted by the Chatswood Public School P&C.

A copy of the P&C Governing Documents can be found on the school website: